Sunday, March 8, 2015


Today's slice was inspired by a post at Learn Something New.  Yesterday, I was reading Slices and leaving comments when I discovered this clever format.  You can read that post here.  Today, I decided to write one of my own.  Thanks for the inspiration! 


Listening:  to a passing car as it disappears down the road and a busy robin atop a nearby tree.

Watching:  the robin as it leaves the tree and glides into the bush right in front of my window.

Eating:  I haven't eaten, yet.  Going to make eggs, toast, sausage, and coffee.

Wearing:  my favorite pajamas and bare feet.  What would my mom say if she were visiting?  Valerie, you need to put on some socks before you catch a cold.  Mom still wants to treat me like a little girl no matter how old I get.

Reading:  Slice of Life Stories.  They always provide some needed inspiration.

Feeling:  guilty because I didn't get up for church in time.  I'm blaming Day Light Savings Time.

Wanting:  to sit here in the sun for as long as I can and enjoy it's heat as it warms the back of my neck.  I haven't felt this sensation in such a long time.  It's been a frigid winter.  Maybe spring really is around the corner!

Needing:  to do a few chores and work on my lesson plans for the week ahead.

Thinking:  how blessed I am.

Enjoying:  this bit of time I've carved away, just for me, to write.

What are you Currently doing?  Please share in the comments below or write about it in one of your Slices.


  1. I love this format. It gives time to reflect. I used it on Friday, after conferences when I was exhausted! Currently, I'm catching up on blogs and SOL reading because my youngest caught "The Flu." The one everyone in Iowa has been talking about but we had dodged...until today. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kendra,
    I'm using this format with my first graders this week. I already modeled it for them on our Kidbog site and I know they'll love trying it out. Sorry to hear about your little one catching the flu. Hope all is well very soon at your house. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Kendra,
    Currently, I am commenting on your "slice." Nice work and clever format. D :)

  4. Thank you for sharing this format. I might try it out for tomorrow since it will be the start of a super busy week!

    1. That's great. I was excited to try it. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thank you for sharing this idea. I will share it with the grade sixes to help them with another slice :) My favorite part of your slice today was the "Wanting" section. Your description brought back memories of the frigid winters of Minnesota and how I loved to sit in a sunbeam to feel the warmth on my skin.

    1. I think your sixth graders will enjoy using this format. I live in Michigan and we have had some very frigid days this winter. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I love this format. Thanks for sharing it. I am sure that one of my slices will feature this format soon. I love how you added the detail about what your mother would say to your barefoot state. It made me chuckle because my mother-in-law would be saying the same thing.

    1. Yes, moms are pretty much the same everywhere. I look forward to reading your Slice when you use this format. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I love this format. Thanks for sharing it. I am sure that one of my slices will feature this format soon. I love how you added the detail about what your mother would say to your barefoot state. It made me chuckle because my mother-in-law would be saying the same thing.

  8. I like this others have said. Currently I am reading posts and commenting...before that I was talking to my kitties. I am listening to Prairie Home Companion on NPR...but missing a lot of it as I am concentrating on commenting on posts. I just ate a bowl of popcorn, but thinking of the quiche we will have tonight. So..I will stop here...loved this post...and glad I stopped by to read it.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. The quiche sounds like a good choice for dinner. I wish I had though of that:) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. This format is great. I love a list of ideas like this. I wrote it down for future reference!

    1. Lynn, that's great! I can't wait to read yours when you write it. Thank you for your kind words and thanks for stopping by!

  10. This format is great. I love a list of ideas like this. I wrote it down for future reference!

  11. The very essence of this writing challenge is being aware of your day,your surroundings, your feelings. Your post captures that in a series of small vignettes which heighten the immediacy of your observations and thoughts. It's a great way to provoke thought and translate it into writing action. Thanks Valerie.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. This was a helpful format for me because it helped me to listen, notice, and note. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. The very essence of this writing challenge is being aware of your day,your surroundings, your feelings. Your post captures that in a series of small vignettes which heighten the immediacy of your observations and thoughts. It's a great way to provoke thought and translate it into writing action. Thanks Valerie.
