Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In Reflection, In Celebration

Today is the last day of the Slice of Life Story Challenge.  It's been 31 days of writing.  Sometimes the words came effortlessly and sometimes the words were strained.  It's a day for reflections and a day of celebration.

In Reflection

This challenge has helped me to...

  1. identify with the writers I teach.
  2. recognize that I have a few rituals.
  3. push through the dry days to write something worth sharing.
  4. use inspiration from mentors and others.
  5. discover things about my own writing.
  6. explore new techniques and formats.
  7. gain more confidence as a writer.
  8. develop my voice and my writing style.
  9. build my stamina for writing.
  10. use my intuitive nature to write stories I didn't know existed.

In Celebration

This challenge has helped me to...
  1. Grow as a writer.
  2. Improve my practice as a writing teacher.
  3. Write, Write, Write...even when I thought the words were not there!
Thank you to everyone involved in this challenge!


  1. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Thank you so much. I plan to join in on Tuesdays as often as I can.

  2. Hasn't it been just a grand March?! I like your recap of what you've gleaned and what you will celebrate now.

    1. This has been a great experience and well worth every moment spent.

  3. There is always something new to learn or learn anew! I am glad you added your voice again this March!

    1. So am I! It was great being a part of this writing community again.

  4. Your reflective discoveries reveal powerful signs of the ever emerging writer. The benefits of your growing experience will flow through to your students and fellow educators. You are doing powerful good!

    1. Thank you for those kind words. It's important to me that I continue to develop my writing muscles. I feel strongly that writers make the best writing teachers.

  5. Your reflective discoveries reveal powerful signs of the ever emerging writer. The benefits of your growing experience will flow through to your students and fellow educators. You are doing powerful good!

  6. I'm delighted the Challenge was so beneficial for you. Please join us any Tuesday, year-round!
